The 2025 Run
SATURDAY, May 24, 2025
Our annual Redberry Run Fundraising event will take place at the camp on May 24th. The Run starts at 10am followed by an Open House! Everyone is invited to the open house regardless of whether or not they are able to attend the Run. There will be lots of food and entertainment and we plan to have our skills open for everyone to try out! All of this is at no cost to you, so invite some friends to come out and see our camp!
You’re also welcome to participate via the run from a distance. Participants may run at a location of your choice; i.e. in your neighbourhood, your backyard, or perhaps from the comfort of your own house.
Donations from this event go towards general operations and camp projects. Thank you for your years of participation and supporting the vision of Redberry Bible Camp.
Ready to HIT the road!